Patient Information

Fees: Mixed billing

Reception staff can advise patients of each Doctor’s usual prices and billing practices.

All medicare rebatable items are sent through online to Medicare and reimbursement is then deposited into the patients’ nominated bank account within 1-3 working days. We do prefer an account to be paid in full upon completion of the consultation, however, patients may pay the gap and are asked to bring the Medicare cheque in ASAP after receiving it via mail.

Patient Rights

If a patient has a problem we would like to hear about it. Patients are asked to speak freely with their Doctor about their concerns or they can write to us. We take all concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously. However, if you wish to take the matter further and feel that you need to discuss the matter outside the practice, they can contact the Health Care Complaints Commission at Locked Bag 18, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 or phone 02 9219 7444.

Personal Health Information

A Patient’s medical is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised staff members.

Telephoning Doctors

Although most problems should be dealt with at a consultation; a patient's doctor will always be available during normal surgery hours for emergency advice. Our staff are experienced in helping patients decide whether the matter requires an appointment, a return phone call from the practice, or urgent advice.

Useful Links

COVID-19 - NSW Health
The latest information about case locations, alerts, testing clinics, vaccination rollout and public health orders / restrictions.
Comprehensive articles and news about a wide variety of diseases and conditions, tests and treatments, health and fitness issues, and medications.

Lifeline - 13 11 14
National charity providing access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Cancer Council Australia
Credible, up-to-date information about different types of cancer, diagnosis from an Australian perspective.

Diabetes Australia
Respected and valued source of information and advice for people with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes and their carers.

Sydney Children's Hospitals Network
Fact sheets on a range of health and safety topics developed in partnership by Sydney Children's Hospital, The Children's Hospital at Westmead and Hunter New England Kidshealth Network.

Poisons Information Centre - 13 11 26
The latest poisons information to the public, and toxicology advice to health professionals on the management of poisoned and envenomed patients.

Grafton Base Hospital
Arthur Street
Grafton NSW 2460
Ph: (02) 6640 2222

Grafton Community Health
184 Arthur Street
Grafton NSW 2460
Ph: (02) 6641 8702

For all appointments and enquiries, please phone   02 6643 1500.

98 Through Street
South Grafton NSW 2460

Monday – Friday

8:30am - 5:30pm
8:30am - 10:30am


02 6643 9085

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